Thursday, April 12, 2012

These Cats Melt My Heart

My work schedule since last week is killing me. I have been getting a maximum of 4 hours of sleep daily and I don’t know why. I usually call the night with more than 8 hours of good night sleep but this last two weeks has been crazy. I have been gaining SOME weights as well since I started working at night shifts. :/ Namaaaaan! Grrrrr.
The pink one makes me say "Aaaaaw". Hehehe. *deal with it*

This morning when I came home from work, I was welcomed (…or not ^_^..) by several stray cats in our area when I hit the left turn before our house. They were three of them, playing near the gutter… I couldn’t pass because I might hit them by my car…. naglalandian sila, early in the morning … parang ang saya saya nila! It really made me smile J

You know, from time to time, I receive links of lovely cat pictures from Marc, whether I am offline or online in GTalk, and which is something I definitely look forward to every now and then. You’d say Google has tons of cute ( “or to die for”) cat pictures and even myself can search them on my own but….these sweet simple things can make me smile this BIG --> :D 

I picked some of them and made a collage out of it… There are so many of them but I had a hard time searching them in my chat history…kaya yan na lang muna. Hehehe.

My love for cats started when I was little, as my previous post tells you. It grew more and more especially when I was able to witness, with my bare hands, my pregnant cat delivered her kittens while I WAS THERE BY HER SIDE! She was following me everywhere during her laboring. Aaaaw, she really wanted me to be there with her. aaah! What is cooler than that!!?? Aaahmazing! I was grade two then. Kaya siguro hindi ako nag medical school..:/ Wahahahaaa!!!

Ikaw, what makes you smile this BIG?? --> :D


*All pictures are not mine nor Marc's*

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