Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Way of Saying Thank You

I have a friend, let’s call her Amber.


She’s a sweet, pretty petite girl with a very strong appeal with boys ^_^ I met her in college. With our surnames starts with the same 3 letters, we used to be sitting next to each other in class where the teacher set the sitting arrangement alphabetically. Though we were close to each other, we still belong to different set of friends. She was with the socialites and I belong to a low profile group.


She has been very nice to me, even her family too. In mornings, her father would suggest to pick me up going to school, even changing from the easier route so I could ride with them. I would save money because it cost me nothing to get to school. With P70-80.00 in my pocket, I could take miryenda from my daily savings.


She would give me things I could never afford, take me to movies with her and treat me to Little Ceasar’s and Pizza Hut after school. She provided me things that an ordinary scholar student like me couldn’t manage to pay for.


Whenever I was with her, I never felt insecure. In some ways, my college life was touched by her. Status in life is definitely not a barrier in friendship.


We never see each other since we went to a funeral of our classmate’s mother. She was still same sweet friend I used to know. That was years ago. I even searched her name in Friendster but I guess she uses a different name. Maybe someday, I will be given a chance to say “thank you” in person and I will not take that for granted.


To Amber, wherever you are, you definitely made a difference in my life :)

To all your friends, tell then how thankful you are to have them. :)



Now asking myself, ‘Would there be anyone who can say that somehow I made a positive difference in his/her life?’


… I still do not know.


  1. Espinosa

    You statement made me thinking.

    Meron naman, tsaka definitely there's someone out there na hindi lang natouched baka naitulak mo pa sa sobrang lakas ng impact sa kanila.

    peace :)

  2. Hahaha, would you believe na andyan sa list mo yung surname nya? ^_^

    Pero pinaka-type ko yung "Espasol"!

  3. waaaah! may jackpot ako!
    waahahaha ako din gusto ko espasol!
    siguro yun no? hahahaha
