Saturday, June 5, 2010

At John And Yoko


John and Yoko satisfied our lazy Friday hunger for some fun and mouthful of Maki and Sushi dinner at Greenbelt 5. It was a birthday to celebrate!



Three of the group unfortunately were not able to be there, while the rest of us enjoyed the treat. Ooops, sorry to forget, it was also a monthsary treat for the team :-D


We had to wait for few minutes because the place is full. It was like expected though at dinner time. Last Wednesday, we tried to get a reservation however they do not accept reservations during Fridays and weekends. And people were really queuing up to wait.


I am not a big fan of raw meat but I did enjoyed my California Maki plunge. I even had two rolls and I finally did it with chopsticks! :D Expectedly, I finally asked for spoon and fork after a while. Japaella is a must try! .. and the crispy squid is awesome too!


Of course, Mike cheated again on his diet! The boys actually have a bet that if he could reach 130 lbs by 1st of August (or losing about 30 lbs), each of the boys will give Mike a thousand pesos. It is a win-win game for Mike actually! And if he loses, each of them will receive only 500 pesos from him. Let’s see what happens on the last weighing-in day.


This team is the longest group I have ever been with in my current company. Even if most of us were already assigned in different projects, we still find time to spend a lot of bonding moments together. It was like friendship really finds ways…


Happy Birthday, Ms. Roma!

Welcome to the group, Shy!

Next is Davie’s birthday bash!




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