Saturday, November 24, 2007

5 Things for a Good Start

While browsing a blog site, I have read this and decided to do my own. And somehow the thought of answering these questions has encouraged me to do my own blog site. So for my first blog, I am supposed to answer these questions below:

  • About Me
  • Currently Reading
  • Distraction
  • Make Your Own Ice Cream
  • Where Would You Rather Be Right Now?

Here it goes:

  • About Me. I may say that I am a different person at home. I am considered the silent-type of a person and it is like I have built my wall for others not to dig down inside me…  At school, looking back during my younger years (high school/college), I was the problem-free person. Just laughing and smiling at every moment in my life. I was known as a "bungisngis" girl in my class. All I worry about was my assignments, projects and money of course. My studies were very free flowing experience for me. Not that I didn’t have a hard time doing all my deliverables in school but it was a place for me that I had a chance to be me; and I was very unnoticed.

  • Currently Reading. I am currently into Paolo Coelho books. I was inspired by a close friend, Mr. V , who is dying to have one of his book. That is why I bought him “The Alchemist – Gift Edition”. It is a birthday present for him (as he requested). Sad to say the delivery will be on the next 4-6 weeks pa! I can’t find any copy (yung hard bound) in the local bookstore that is why I didn’t have any choice but to order the book abroad.

  • Distraction. It has been more than two months that I am distracted with emotional problems (since September 18, 2007 to be exact). Don’t let me elaborate on this because I might get very emotional again and again.

Another irritating situation that I was into just a while ago was the Proctoring and Examination Scheduling System (PESS) that I have to run in order for DLSU-DasmariƱas to have a system generated proctoring and examination schedule available within the next two weeks. T_T I have been running this program for two days now and all I receive is the “No current record” error. It was so frustrating that I wanted to throw the computer monitor every time it shows that error. Unfortunately for Ate Mira, she will be encoding some data manually in order to complete the schedule. Sorry po talaga…


  • Make Your Own Ice Cream. Banana Split is very memorable for me. That is why I am making a banana split with 3 scoops of ice cream (vanilla, rocky road and super chocolate), with pineapple tidbits and cherries (plus umbrella) on the top!

  • Where Would You Rather Be Right Now? I am here at the office right now because I need to do that PESS data. But maybe I would rather be at Starbucks in Tagaytay with my favorite Coffee Jelly. Or maybe in London City, just watching the London Bridge at night. Or maybe at my room listening to easy music of my “In Love With Manilow” album.

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