Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How About My Real Wish List?

I have here my so-called ‘Heart-Felt Wish List for 2008’


-          Happiness

My life has been in a roller coaster starting the year 2006. Although my career is quite okay, I did try my luck abroad. I thought after my UK trip, I will be happy. I was happy indeed but everything seemed to change.


-          A Well-Cared Family of My Own

I am not getting any younger. When I was in college, I have set to myself that I’ll be getting married at the age 27. But it is already few weeks from now before the year ends and here I am, trying to recover from a tragic ending of my five-year romance.


-          Love

You never know what you have got until it is gone…



-          Be a Better Best Friend

This is somehow related to the lines above. I honestly can’t tell you how bad of a friend I was to my best friend. I really want to change this and have a brand new start.


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